Humans like to categorize things. On Quaily, you can write many articles and organize them into different themes. This categorization feature is called "Packs."

Here's how to use Packs:

First, you can access the "Packs" feature from the sidebar. If you haven't created a Pack before, you can click the "New" button to create one.

An image to describe post

On this page, you can edit the Pack's information, including its cover image, title, and description:

An image to describe post

Then you can select articles to add to the Pack:

An image to describe post

Once you've created a Pack, you'll see an entry point for it on your channel's homepage (the little red book icon).


If this is your first time creating a Pack, you may need to wait about five minutes for it to appear.

An image to describe post

That's it! Have you got the hang of it?